okay. i am going to try to do what i mentioned that i would do yesterday. i am going to try to blog everyday, even if my fingers fall off and i become a fat twinkie of a girl. i think this will continue for a week or two days or something, until i forget or get drunk or something.
today. sunday. feb. 15: started off the day by sleeping in. my body didn't want to get out of bed let alone move. finally got up, got ready and ate lunch. set off into the wilds of NY to look for monster truck footage, golf footage and books on strippers and peepshows. (how twisted does my life sound? i sound like one fucked up bad mofo.) now kiddies, don't get too excited about this list of sundries that i needed to get. The footage is for a short TV spot for a class and the stripper stuff is for a pushcart that i am working on. (we have do a cart for our 3-d class and i am doing a cart to break the stereotypical thinking about strippers. make people think of them more as women and not one dimentional people.) went to virgin, 2 barnes and nobles and best buy and i only found one stripper book and no footage. guess NY doesn't dig on monster trucks. damn.
came into the studio. found some golf footage on the internet, but i still need monster trucks. if i can't find anything tomorrow, i am going to buy a tape off amazon. worked on my book project for while. then i scowered the internet for peepshow/strip club exteriors. (if you are looking for some, go to corbis stock photos. they have tons!!!) did the cover for my magazine class and now i am going to find out where the peepshows are in NY. going to go shoot photos of them tomorrow. going to go home and maybe do some laundry and read my stripper book. (good book. it's called lapdance and it is by juliana beasley. check it out if you can.)
small snapshots of life
Sunday, February 15, 2004
it's funny, but i can't remember things too this well this semester. last semester, i could go two weeks and still write a pretty detailed summary of my weeks. now, i can barely remember the week, let alone two weeks. i think it is because last semester we had multiple projects and this semester everything is continually being worked on leading up to one final presentation at the end of the semester so everything begins to blur together. hmmm?maybe i need to start up dating this thing every night. that might be a better tactic to take with the blog.
so i will try and remember things?
monday, feb. 2: went to my internship. it was not that busy of a day. got all my work done. also went to the hello kitty store and looked at tons of cute things i could not buy. sigh. someday, i'll have a job again. visited the nursing home. we met our people today. mine is super sweet. she is strong, but sweet. in a way, she reminds me of my grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago. it is fun to talk to her and laugh about things. she thinks my brother is just as weird as i do. went to book class. saw most people's covers for their books. we ran out of time so i didn't get to present mine. i get to go next week. finished up my movie. it is super funny. i animated these two photographs. basically these bunny slippers get all psycho-crazy and attack a little girl biting off her hand. twisted good fun.
tuesday, feb. 3: worked on logos for the channel. i don't have the right font yet, but i am getting there.
wednesday, feb. 4: spent the day getting ready for our magazine class. we needed to redo our manifesto and figure out exactly what we are doing. spent the day writing and figuring what we are all about. also figured out our demographic. everyone in the group seems to be happy with what we came up with. we are a literary cooking magazine. we obsessively explore one ingredient in each issue. the magazine has everything you want to know about the ingredient and more. we also have a section in the middle where we break down the food into the five senses because food is about so much more then just the cooking. there are smells, sounds and sights attached to every type of food. we presented everything and got the thumbs up. we don't have a name and the class suggested Relish. now we just need to figure out a logo.
thursday, feb. 5: met with Kevin on our products. we need to do one full proto-type for next week. i have no clue how i am going to do that. he only liked one of my products and i am still working on my cart. this class is going to be crazy. i am really excited to build something 3-d again, but we don't have a ton to execute this. went home and did yoga. it felt good to stretch out again and work my muscles. came back and worked a while in the library organizing the books.
friday, feb. 6: our web teacher is sick. he had to go to the hospital. this week the guy who is going to help us with flash came in. his name is peter hamlin and he is a great designer/illustrator. he used to work at funny garbage with our web teacher chris, but now he is on his own. beautiful websites and there was a crazy bunny on one!! he reviewed flash with us and then went around the class and met with each of us individually on what our sites would be about. worked on the show in the gallery with lauren.
saturday, feb. 7: came in and did work on the book layouts. need to get shit done!! this week is going to be crazy. have too much do in every class!! eeieieieieie!!!! got becky a birthday gift. it is a book called bitter with baggage seeks same. so fucking funny!! nice little fuzzy chickens in weird strange situations. it is a strange and wonderful book.
headed out to brighton beach around 7pm or so. got to the restaurant a bit late, but that was okay. the place was great. it was this awesome 70s tacky russian banquet hall. lots of overdone russian women with velvet and sequences. i wonder if i would have turned out more like them if my dad would have stayed longer in russia. anyways, there was tons and tons of food. i have never been surrounded by so much food. and then the band began to play. they were this great techno polka band. i felt like i was at someone's wedding crazy wedding.
other highlights of the night: harry, casey's friend, got super, super drunk. he had an entire bottle of vodka in one hour. we were afraid that he was going to get his ass kicked by the russian mafia guys. another good memory was standing in the cold with jeff, jeff, amy and greg waiting for the Q train. we were drunk and silly and it was fun. jeff made fun of me for my coat matching the train.
sunday, feb. 8: came in and worked more. didn't finish what i wanted to. i ended up redoing my layouts for the book. i still don't like them. i need to work on them more later. did some storyboarding for the TV class. we need three spots storyboarded by tuesday. also worked on my magazine logo. meeting on those on tuesday.
monday, feb. 9: didn't have my internship. worked on the book layouts more. forgot to mention that i ran the idea of my book by jay ryan of birdmachine. he said that it hasn't been done before and that he thought it sounded good. went to the nursing home again. my woman was in better spirits this week. we talked about names and laughed about things. i stayed longer then usual. i felt bad leaving her. we were having so much fun. took a cab to book class. didn't want to be late. showed my covers and everyone seemed to really dig them. araba said that they are some the most beautiful things she has seen. she wants a copy of it. lauren had a good idea about putting all the jargon stuff on the cover (ie-barcodes and other bullshit) on a piece of acetate so that the cover could just live on it's own in an undisturbed state so people could use it as a poster. went grocery shopping with lauren, araba and juna. it was funny wandering around the story looking for tuna and grapefruit juice as we talked about classes and classmates. gossip in the produce section. (sounds like an emo band.) worked on the gallery again with lauren. we need to reorganize it. started my storyboards late. worked until 2:30 and only have one done.
tuesday, feb. 10: came in grumpy. need more sleep. god, i can be bitchy without sleep! worked more on my storyboards. i came up with one as i was falling asleep. finished my story boards and fleshed out my manifesto for my channel. we met on the logos. everyone had really great things to show. i have a great group for the magazine. presented the storyboards in class. i don't know why this class makes me so nervous, but i always just want to walk out and tell bonnie i'll email her the ideas. i feel this way every time. but luckly, when i start presenting i am fine. only one of my ideas seemed to work. still need to come up with two more spots. sigh. stayed late working on articles for the magazine. trying to figure out the five senses for chili peppers.
wednesday, feb. 11: worked more on magazine articles. only have a couple. met on the logos again. jong woo came in with a logo we all loved. pretty.
dude!! art chantry came and spoke to my magazine class!! how kick ass is that?!?!? he was a great speaker. I had him sign my copy of his book. I told him about my book idea and he thought it sounded good. he told me to try and shop it around to publishers. we also talked about cherry hut and michigan and st. louis. he is an awesome guy.
presented the logos and the manifesto again. the class went with a different logo then what we liked. it was funny. i felt like i was presenting to a focus group. i guess in a way our classes are like that. you might really like or feel strongly about something, but if something else makes more sense and you have been to blind to see it, the class will let you know. it is good. had lovely takeout from republic. it was called chicken udon, but it was the strangest chicken udon i have ever had. it was lovely, good though. worked on my product for kevin's class. stayed until 3am.
thursday, feb. 12: worked more on my product. it is a book of paper dolls but strange paper dolls. the outside of the book looks like a porn magazine and on the inside it is a normal woman with her information. you can dress her in normal clothes and porn/fetish clothes. it looked okay. we'll see if kevin digs it. present it to kevin. he thinks it is okay. we talk about my other products and my cart. i have to have a super tight final sketch of the cart by next week. eieieei!! he isn't sure about any of my products, but he feels the cart will lead me in the right direction. looks like i am going to tons of porn stores this week for research. went out to dinner with natalie and araba. beers and a good salad. just what i needed.
friday, feb. 13: laid out my sitemap for my website. it is good to get everything i am thinking on paper. i am excited to build this site. i have had the idea of this site for a year or so. josh and I thought it up a couple of years ago and i am happy to finally bring it into reality. chris wasn't back to teaching us yet, but peter was there with a guest. The guest is the IA at funny garbage. he was super smart and well informed. i have never really heard or seen an IA guy think like him. he had great suggestions and ways of helping me think about my site to make it more interesting. yea!!!
worked on putting the finally touched on the gallery show with lauren. then her, araba and i went out and celebrated. we decided to have a hot dog tasting contest. we went to two different hot dog places and tried their hot dogs and rated them. we had three hot dogs apiece. i liked dawgs on the park the best, but would probably eat at Grif dogs instead because they were cheaper. (funny how money wins out over taste when you are poor.) went at got drinks as this tiny bar called castros or something like that. we had some random dude hit on all of us. it was weird. it was kind of fun to see how we all reacted to him. i just laughed at him, lauren talked to him and araba bit her tongue. walked home with araba.
saturday, feb. 14: valentine's day. no sweetie for me. maybe next year. today, we had an open house at the school. i got to work it. it was fun. it's strange to think that i had just applied at this time last year. it was cool to see all these people here interested in the program. someone them will probably be here next year with me. interesting. peter buchanan-smith spoke. it was cool to see his work. he is doing a Wilco book and micheal smelling (becky's old neighbor) is the photographer on it. how small the world is. ate at home tonight. they had a nice dinner for us. came back and fucked around for a bit and then started to work on one of my products for my book project. i am happy with what i came up with. i now have a visual vocabulary established that i can carry through the rest of the products and the book.
the weakerthans are playing in my ears and i am tired. "Where a little boy under a table with cake in his hair, stared at the grown-ups feet as they danced and swayed. And his father laughed and talked on the long ride home. And his mother laughed and talked on the long ride home. And he thought about how everyone dies someday." - the weakerthans
bye-bye and good night. hope you sleep as well as i will.