Thursday, September 11, 2003

i have completed my first round of classes. i have been able to see what each teacher is like and have been assigned a full week of work.

once again, these past couple of days have been amazing. i find myself at night being totally exhausted, but not able to fall asleep cuz i am so excited about what i have learned and trying to figure out what i will do for my projects. i lay in bed awake for an hour or so mulling over everything and working out design problems.

classes since the last blog:
in my web class we will be learning dreamweaver and flash. i should be proficent enough in four months to be able to build and do my own website with flash.

monday was my writing and design the visual book class. we saw and learned about tons of different types of books and writtings by designers and visual artists. i kept finding new ideas for working on my cd project.

tuesday was the jack in the box class. amazing. steven guarnaccia treats his class more like a conversation between peers then a class. we discussed the box and all the various artist/designers who have been influenced by it. he talked about his obsession with the box and how everything from a cd to a human body could be called a box. favorite memory would be that he had just come back from italy and he brought us all kinder eggs. pretty amazing to see a room of 24 graduate students turn into 5 year olds as they munched on chocolate and compared their toys. we went around the room and showed off what we got, oooooing and ahhhhing over our tiny treasures. also we had a project where we had to change the form and the function of a dollar bill in 15 minutes. lots of good stuff.

here is what i am doing for those of you playing along at home:

making two dadaist poems from cutting out all the words in a newspaper article and
mixing them up in a bag and pull them out randomly to arrange them on a page and
make a poem.

take a book and make it more about what the book is about. ie-adding stuff to the cover, putting stuff inside of it, wrapping it in something, etc.

finding something that is free and repackaging it so that people would pay for it.

a well-thought out cd design.

concepts for a restaurant. everything from what the chairs look like to the area that it is in to how you take reservations to what the logo looks like.

mapping out a website.

now i must go eat lunch and find a pizza box for the box class.