Tuesday, March 02, 2004

music. i seem to muse about it much in my blog. i talk about what song/albums are shaping my world whether i working through projects on paper or pixels while listening to my new favorite album or the blist/tran-quiet that passes through me as i wander the streets to my own unique soundtrack provided by my ipod. it's funny. It seems that i will discuss/disect music with mainly guys. i don't know too many other girls that do this. In chicago, i had john, chuck, josh, brian, pete, etc. to talk about and geek out to about which albums/musicians turned us on or off. Here, my music pool is smaller, but still here. (jeff, chris, thomas, steve, etc.) Why is this swapping of music love so testastrone based? Why am i not addicted to sports in the same way? hmm…

ps-don't get me wrong. there are plenty of girls that i know that love music as much as i do. Val, ana, lisa, micah, nora, azita love it as much as i do. I just seem to find that i tend to discuss music more with boys.


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