Tuesday, March 02, 2004

thomas lent me appleseed cast tonight. listening to it for the first time. the first listen is good. i usually have to listen to something a couple of times before i can love it or decide if i even like it. right now, they seem to match how i feel. funny, i'd never heard their cd before. saw them once live in chicago. remember i liked them. but loved the opening band more. mates of state. sigh. beautiful and amazing. i hope i can grow up and be them one day.

okay. i should do a over-gloss of the last week of graduate school since my audience for this tiny blog is getting larger. (found out my parents now read it. my dad told my mom about visiting the sex shops. how weird and funny is that? hi [wave] mom and dad!!!!)

monday, feb. 23: internship. good. need to do the invite for the show. visited the nursing home. my friend was a little down in the dumps, but my visit seemed to cheer her up. met one on with howard to discuss our book projects. rethough some of my products. worked more on my piece for bonnie. put on the finishing touches and worked on storyboards for the second spot. oh, also got up early and went into ID magazine to find out about a freelance/intern oppertunity. Lauren and I are helping send back enteries from a contest. It was cool to see their head quarters and meet the people that worked there.

tuesday, feb. 24: did work for ID in the morning. came back into the studio and worked more on my storyboards and my TV spot. showed the spot and got good feedback for it. my spot got shot down, but bonnie helped me flesh out another idea so i know what to put together for next week. worked on pulling together images for the layouts for the magazine. came up with headlineds, subheads and images. went to bed at 2:30am

wednesday, feb. 25: got up at 9am. super tired and crabby. went into ID. lauren was there today. we had fun talking about everything. i am luckly to have a friend like lauren. she rocks. came in and made some cds to give to the musicians that participated in my cd project last quarter. (i am meeting with them on friday to buy them dinner as a thank you for helping me out.) did a quick layout for the magazine. had a good meeting over our designs. we are going in the righ direction, just need to tweak things. worked on re-drawing some of my cart designs for kevin at night.

thursday, feb. 26: went all over NY. went to canal to get plastics and look for 1" mirrors for my cart. then i went all the way up to 34th street to look for fabrics. got lost and called natalie and lauren to get me unlost. finally found the fabric area of NY. (36th-42nd between 7 and 8 ave.) got tons of fabric swatches. my mom would love this area. everything and anything that you want. so cool!!! walked over to 29th and 3rd to a hardware store. found more stuff that i needed for my cart. came back to the studio and had a lecture with nicholas calloway. he is a kick ass book publisher!! he talked about how the company has expanded out from books to now toys, movies and products. beautful things and a super nice guy. for the 3-D class, we presented our carts to the class. it was good to see what everyone was doing. fun class. worked at night on my webstuff more.

february, friday 27: went back to ID with lauren. worked for a couple of hours. finished up making my cd for the box musicians. worked more on my website logo and wireframes. finished class and met up with steve, mike and mike's wife. kyle got caught outside of town and unfortantly, didn't make it. we went to the chat n' chew on 16th street per lauren's suggestion. it was lovely. good americana food in a cozy atomsphere. reminded me of kitch'n or leo's in chicago. fun to talk about design and music. then went home and watched tv and veggied out.

february, saturday 28: cleaned my room. it is beautiful and warm out. i don't want to work in the studio. i am procrastinating. went into the studio. did my FAFSA. went to the woodshop and talked to mark about my cart. figured out how to put stuff together. went to a cheapy store with araba to get things for my cart. then i went to dinner. came back to the studio and did some work. went out with jeffery. the claytons brothers were having a book signing in the village. it was at the Fuse gallery which is at the back of a bar. hung out for while and had them sign our books. they were super nice and did such kick as illustration in our books. yea!! mine was a weasel/bunny/man with a flower growing out his ear and a G.B.H. tattoo. he makes me laugh. came back to the studio. did a little more work and then headed out with lauren and araba to international bar for a drink.

sunday, feb. 29: came into the studio. i need to work!!!! i am behind. did the invites for the internship show. took me a couple of hours, but it was worth it. they look great. worked on tweaking my first TV spot. it looks much better. then i started on my second spot. did other home work.


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