Friday, January 30, 2004

i am tired. my sinus hurt for some reason. lack of sleep and a dusty library maybe. who knows? this isn't going to be a long entry. i know that i have lots of catching up in the world of this blog. (still need to cover the last week of last semester and the first three weeks of this semester. eeeeekkkk!!!) anyways, just wanted to enter this lovely horoscope that i got on jan. 6th. me like.

pisces (that's me!!)
"Thinking outside of the box presupposes you were able to think in it." (hmmmmm…i had a box about classes) This gem is from automotive executive Bob Lutz sets the tone for your new plan of action, Pisces. In the coming week, you should concentrate on understanding your life's long-term trends from an inside-the box perspective. Stick closely to what you actually know, as opposed to what you might speculate or fantasize. Confine your analysis to the data you can definitely confirm. (okay. sounds like i can do this. i like boundaries. i am a dog that likes it's fence.) Starting next week, it'll be time to think outside the box. Having prepared a strong foundation, you will have ensured that your imagination will provide useful visions when you finally unleash it. (okay. now there is no fence. maybe i would like this. who knows? freedom to run around with strange dogs might be good. will i like stranges sniffing my butt?)


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