Thursday, March 06, 2003

i am tired, but i am always tired. tirednes = my usual state of being. or hunger.

i've been reading over some of my past blogs. some are good and others are a bit too dramatic for my taste. i can't believe some of the silliness that i write. it still baffles me that medill decided to give me a degree. i never learned how to spell properly before, during or after my four years at northwestern and my grammar sucks. part of me believes that roger boyd lurks, lingers and records every mispelling that i make waiting for me to reach the magic number of 350,989 and then he can "yoink" my degree away from me. not that it would do any damage to my livelyhood. art directors are not expected to have degrees from northwestern much less medill, but i do think my parents would be heart-broken that all their hard-earned money had gone to waste. wonder if roger did take back my degree if he would let me wrestle him for it? or maybe i could bring up the point that when they gave me my degree they had misspelled my name on it and that is the BIGGEST mistake any medildo can make. hmmm…blackmail.

it is time for bed and sleep and dreams about silly things that i can't remember in the morning.


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