Thursday, December 19, 2002

my third post to blogger today. mr. joe would be proud. now, those of you out there that can count are now scratching their heads saying," this girl has gone crazy!! there is only two posts up counting this one." well you are right and i am right. the lovely little blog gremlins got hungry around 5:30pm today and ate my last entry which never was published. the literary greatness of that blog has been lost to the vortex of their little stomachs and i am too tired right now to try and recreate it. maybe tomorrow.

one thought though before i crash and burn into dreamland – if i lived thousands of years ago with the cavemen or their ancestors, i would have never survived. never mind, that i couldn't run after wild game or eat raw chicken with my bare hands or make friends with the lice in my hair. i am refering to the fact that i wouldn't be able to see. i am totally blind without my glasses. i would have been a burden to my tribe. they might have taken care of me for a while, but sooner or later, someone would shove me in front of a herd of stompeding elephants and it would be all over.

okay. maybe they wouldn't be so harsh. (they could always save me until they had no food and eat me.) i still couldn't function. let's say, my family needs me to pick berries. i can't find the berries let alone which bushes they are on. trees are big hazy patches of various shades of green and animals are all brown specks that move across the mutted yellow background. (an elephant looks like a lion which looks like a gazelle which looks like a zebra which looks like my hairy cro-magnum dad.) basically, i'd be dead. my lifespan would be zero. the most surreal thing about this entire thread is that it came at the end of my yoga class. these are the thoughts that come to me in my most relaxed and zen state of being. hmmmm…


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